Whole School Approach to Differentiation
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
At Glenwood State School we use the evidence-based system of MTSS through our academic and behaviour curriculums. MTSS allows us to track, identify and support students through levels of adjustment including-
- Quality Differentiated Teaching and Learning (Tier 1)
- Supplementary Adjustments (Tier 2)
- Substantial Adjustments (Tier 2)
- Extensive Adjustments (Tier 3)
MTSS involves screening students, collecting and analysing data, using evidence-based interventions, reviewing student success regularly, and a team of professionals working collectively to provide student-focussed supports.
Qld University of Technology (QUT) Centre for Inclusive Education states-
“Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a new generation model that incorporates prevention and implementation sciences to organise service delivery for optimal coverage, efficiency and effectiveness (de Bruin et al., 2023). It stands on foundations built by Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behaviour Intervention Supports (PBIS) but is superior to both because it has been developed to support all three developmental domains: academic, social-emotional, and behavioural. Unlike RTI and PBIS, which are both depicted by tiered pyramid diagrams (sometimes together), MTSS is typically depicted using a Venn diagram representing the three developmental domains with the “whole child" at the centre and/or an umbrella representing the protections enabled through service delivery. The tiers in MTSS are the same as RTI/PBIS.
Tier 1 represents universal provision, Tier 2 represents additional support targeting specific skills/areas, and Tier 3 represents intensive supports.

Distinguishing the tiers is the length, frequency, and intensity of supports."
MTSS is currently used to provide a framework for our-
- Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
- Whole School Approach to Differentiation
- Whole School Approach to Reading
- Whole School Approach to implementing Australian Curriculum in ALL Learning Areas.
Referral processesStudents who are not responding to Tier 1 Quality Differentiated Teaching can be referred on for further focussed (Tier 2) or intensive (Tier 3) supports. Parents/carers should first discuss any concerns with their child's Class Teacher. The Class Teacher can then refer on to the following services for support options-
- Learning Support (literacy or numeracy support, oral language Story Champs, Gifted and Talented programs, check ins and social/emotional supports)
- Head of Special Education (disabilities, Individual Curriculum Plans, curriculum and assessment adjustments, NAPLAN adjustments, further referral to therapy services)
- Principal (further referral to Student Wellbeing Officer and/or Guidance services, further referral to regional services such as AVT Behaviour)
All students are screened for vision checks during Prep. Identified students are screened for-
- Sound Scouts Hearing Screening
- Vision Screening
- AGAT Gifted and Talented Screening
The following services are available through a request process for DET-
- Speech Language Pathologist
- Guidance Officer
- Student Wellbeing Officer
- Occupational Therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Advisory Visiting Teachers for Behaviour, Vision Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Physical Impairment
- Principal Adviser for Autism
- Principal Adviser for Behaviour
- Principal Adviser for Inclusion
- Principal Adviser for Indigenous Education
Using the DET Third Party Consent Form we can also liaise with your private therapy, NDIS or family support services.
Instructional Inclusion
The Education Qld policy Equity and Excellence promotes the principles of inclusive education, including physical, social and instructional inclusion. Class Teachers specifically plan adjustments for their classes with their Learning Area unit for English, Maths, Science, HASS, HPE, Technologies, The Arts and Languages. This aligns our professional obligations and moral imperatives with-
Personalised Learning Records
Personalised Learning Records (PLRs) are a way to record adjustments for your child. PLRs may be established for a variety of reasons, some of which may be-
- Disabilities (diagnosed or imputed)
- Learning difficulties (literacy, numeracy, oral language, speech)
- Motor skill difficulties (fine motor, gross motor, organisational skills)
- Behaviour difficulties (Individual Behaviour Support Plans, Individual Risk Assessments, Individual Safety Plans)
- Social/emotional difficulties (Individual Behaviour Support Plans, Individual Risk Assessments, Individual Safety Plans)
- Medical conditions (Asthma Plans, Epilepsy Plans, Specialised Medical Support Plans)
- English as an Alternative Language or Dialect
- Transitions (Kindergarten to Prep, new school, Year 6 to secondary)
- Indigenous Education
Individual Curriculum Plans
Individual Curriculum Plans (ICPs) are established for students on the rare occasion in which they require an alternative curriculum because they are functioning academically significantly above or below their year level curriculum. ICPs are only used when the MTSS Tier 3 extensive supports have been exhausted. Often students can access their year level curriculum with extensive supports and achieve a C-A standard. ICPs are for a reporting period only (a semester) and they need to be reviewed if they are going to continue, using evidence collected from student assessments. ICPs may have a long-term impact on a student's ability to receive a Qld Certificate of Education at the completion of their senior schooling.
Programs of Excellence
Students who are recognised as gifted/talented may be eligible to access our programs of excellence. After collecting data from their academic record, NAPLAN, AGAT screening and the Sayler Checklists for Gifted/Talented, the school team can offer access to these programs. This support is in addition to differentiation or ICPs that occur as part of the classroom curriculum. Our Learning Support Teacher runs an intervention small group (Tier 2) once per week e.g., STEM, Art, personal interest etc. Students may also be offered access to external programs of excellence as they become available/advertised.