Our school community is passionate about ensuring every child experiences
success with their learning every day. We are committed to providing high quality
services in all that we do. As a rural school that is on the Bruce Highway between
ympie and Tiaro our school epitomises the term “Community.” We have
provided educational excellence for over 100 years.
To achieve this, our experienced staff display enthusiasm, dedication and high
level teaching skills to deliver personalised programs that are responsive to student
need and interest.
All students learn in a fully air-conditioned environment.
All students will participate in a rigorous school based assessment and monitoring
schedule throughout the year to ensure your child’s academic progress is kept
foremost in our minds and informs the teaching and learning process.
Specialised programs to support students with learning difficulties or extend
students with gifts and talents are devised and implemented by experienced
teachers ensuring that students are challenged and achieving to their potential.
All students will be exposed to a wide variety of extra-curricular and sporting
options throughout the school year and these will include:
- Lunch time organised outdoor and undercovered games
- Lunch time clubs: library games, robotics, coding, craft
- Interschool sporting
- Regional sporting competitions
- Intra-school sport afternoons with other local rural schools
- Swimming and safety programs
- Sporting clinics through Sporting School grants and local partnerships with
clubs (Tennis, cricket, AFL, Football (Soccer), Rugby League)
- Excursions
- Camping program for Year 5-6 students.
The following services are offered to our families on a daily basis:
- Email communication between families and Admin staff
- Email communication between families and class teacher
- Parent workshops throughout the year regarding: parenting, learning
- support, cyber safety and E-learning.
Our classrooms and facilities offer refurbished learning environments enriched
by the latest in technology. Our staff and students engage with
- interactive teamboards
- 15 Laptops in every classroom
- I-Pads across the school linked to Apple Classroom and Smart Tvs
- beebots in the lower school
- drones, 3D printing, ozebots, coding, lego Mindstorm, Spheros in the middle
and upper school - Video conferencing to speak with experts across the globe & Lego robotics